Butekyo Breathing Research:
Breath Hold Time
Myofunctional Therapy UK is committed to the provision of evidence based clinical treatment.
In this page you will find the latest research providing information and data validating Buteyko Breathing as a key adjunctive to optimal oral and airway health.
Breath‐holding as a means to estimate the loop gain contribution to OSA. Messineo. 2018
Bronchodilator effect-patients with obstructive lung disease. Viecili. 2011
Breath-Holding Time-Patients with Obstructive Ventilatory Defects and Normal Controls. Viecili. 2012
The effect of breath holding on nasal membrane shrinkage. Takahashi. 1998
Breath hold time as a determinant of breathing pattern disorders. Kiesel
Breath Holding Test May Noninvasively Reveal Early Lung Abnormalities. Inoue
Breath-holding test in evaluation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity in healthy subjects. Nikita
Breath-holding test near fatal asthma dyspnea perception. Nannini. 2007
Changes in the period of no respiratory sensation and total breath-holding time. Nishino. 1996
Relief of the 'air hunger' - a role for pulmonary stretch receptors. Flume. 1996
Reproducibility and comparability of tests - peripheral chemoreflex. Chua. 1995
Single-breath breath-holding estimate of pulmonary blood flow in man. Kendrick. 1988