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Butekyo Breathing Research:
Prevalence of Mouth Breathing
Myofunctional Therapy UK is committed to the provision of evidence based clinical treatment.
In this page you will find the latest research providing information and data validating Buteyko Breathing as a key adjunctive to optimal oral and airway health.
A black swan? Mew. 2009
An Evolutionary Perspective on the Etiology of Malocclusion. Boyd. 2011
Evaluation from the quality of life in the oral breathers patients. Popoaski. 2012
Incidence and risk factors of mouth-breathing pre-school children. Kachoei. 2010
Mouth Breathing and Atopic Dermatitis in Japanese Children.Yamaguchi. 2015
Mouth-breathing gross, harmful to your health. Dahl. 2011
Oral habits, mouth breathing and malocclusion. Grippaudo. 2016
Prevalance of mouth breathing in children. Abreu. 2008
Prevalence and factors related to mouth breathing in school children at the Santo Amaro project. De Menezes. 2005
Prevalence of mouth breathing - elementary school children. Felcar. 2008
Study-the prevalence of deleterious oral habits among 6 to 12 year old children. Garde. 2014
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