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Myofunctional Therapy Research:
Tonsils and Adenoids
Myofunctional Therapy UK is committed to the provision of evidence based clinical treatment.
In this page you will find the latest research providing information and data validating Myofunctional Therapy as a key adjunctive to optimal oral and airway health.
Myofunctional evaluation after surgery for tonsils hypertrophy and its correlation to breathing pattern: A 2-year-follow up. Valera FC, Trawitzki LV, Anselmo-Lima WT. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2006) 70, 221–225
The effect of hypertrophic adenoids and tonsils on the development of posterior crossbite and oral habits, Oulis CJ, Vadiakas GP, Ekonomides J, Dratsa J. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. 18 (3) (1994) 197–201.doi: 10.1590/S1807- 59322009000100007
Adenoids: their effect on mode of breathing and nasal airflow and their relationship to characteristics of the facial skeleton and the dentition. Linder-Aronson S. Acta Otolaryngol. Suppl. 265 (1970) 1–132.
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