MYOSPOTS™ In Banana Flavour
MYOSPOTS - Tongue Posture Correction Device and Exercises.
Myospots are fruit-flavored tongue exercise spots that work to correct tongue posture and treat mouth breathing.
Myospots suitable for adults, children, and babies under 2 years of age.
MYOSPOTS are small, circular pads, made of biodegradable natural components that are safe for internal use. They have nice colors and flavors that give them a pleasant look and taste and are Vegan friendly and no sugars.
How do Myospots work? Each spot takes 45-50 min to dissolve completely, providing almost 1 hour of extensive tongue exercise with each spot.
Their strong adhesive power enables them to adhere easily to the surface of the palate. Upon adhering to palate after 10 seconds and begin to stick stronger in the following minutes, your tongue elevates to touch it unconsciously. The repetitive induced movement of the tongue to touch and dissolve the adhered spot provides good exercise for tongue muscles to increase tongue muscles' tone and promotes a habit of resting your tongue on the roof of the mouth.
Myospots work therefore as a tool to guide and remind your tongue. It directs the tongue to the correct spot (where it needs to elevate and rest on the roof of the mouth - it is 2-3 mm behind the two front teeth) and it also reminds the tongue to keep elevating until the spot is completely dissolved under the effect of saliva.
When your tongue is active on the spot, it should dissolve completely in ~ 50 minutes. However, if your tongue is not active enough, it may take more than 1 h for the Myospot to dissolve completely. This is why Myospots can also be used as a diagnostic tool, to show the activity of your tongue and to monitor the improvement in tongue posture and activity.
Benefits of MYOSPOTS:
→ Using 2-3 spots every day for 8 to 10 weeks helps in creating a tongue elevation habit that is associated with a lip seal and nasal breathing.
→ Furthermore, the gentle pressure exerted by the tongue on the surface of the hard palate provides good resistance exercise that results in overtime in increasing tongue muscles strength.
→ This tongue strength is needed to maintain normal swallowing and speech functions and to maintain patent airways while awake and asleep.
→ The gentle pressure exerted by the tongue while resting on the palate induces the natural expansion of the maxilla, particularly in young children, stimulates normal growth and development of the upper jaw (which helps you to prevent crooked teeth), protects the airway,
→ Helps to treat snoring, sleep apnea, sleep disorders
#CorrectTonguePosture #TreatMouthBreathing #Snoring
Myospots Ingredients
What are Myospots made of?
Myospots are made of safe, natural ingredients, with no sugars.
The main composition of Myospots is a mixture of Algae agar, cellulose gum, and xanthan gum. In addition, they contain small concentrations of stevia (as a sweetener), natural fruit flavor, natural colour and a preservative (potassium sorbate) to protect the product against microbial growth.
Suitable for those who have allergies: Myospots do not contain gluten or other allergy-causing proteins, soy, or dairy products. So they are suitable for coeliac and those who are allergic to soy, dairy and nut products.
Suitable for Vegans. Myospots do not contain animal-derived products in their composition. Therefore, they are suitable for vegans as well as Halal and Kosher product users.
The product is manufactured by Acino Pharma in Switzerland under European GMP.
Dissolution Time
How long does it take for a Myospot to dissolve?
When your tongue is active on the spot, it should dissolve completely in ~ 50 minutes. However, if your tongue is not active enough, it may take more than 1 h for the Myospot to dissolve completely. This is why Myospots can also be used as a diagnostic tool, to show activity of your tongue and to monitor the improvement in tongue posture and activity